So much laundry!
It just keeps coming and coming. And where does it come from? One thing I would have bet money on not so long ago was that, once the kids flew the nest, there would be less laundry to do! Well, I would have lost that bet. There is laundry in the washer, waiting to be put into the dryer, a load in the dryer waiting to be transferred to the basket, and several basket loads that have been dumped on the table waiting to be folded. My dreams of having less laundry to do once the kids moved out have not materialized.
It can ruin my day every time I walk past that pile. Why does it seem to get bigger and bigger every time I look at it? I typically change my clothes four times a day: first exercise clothes, then work clothes, then once home from work, something to wear around the house, and then pajamas. And that’s just a typical day. If there’s an event to go to, or if we want to take the dog out—add another outfit—and another load of laundry! No wonder the pile continues to grow.
So that’s my latest mission—to reduce the laundry pile! I promptly ignored my husband’s suggestion to sleep naked and asked a friend for advice. I shared my dilemma with her and, without skipping a beat, she suggested a MuuMuu. Instantly, I thought of a cow and pictured old ladies in dresses that were a cross between tents and hospital gowns. Should I be insulted or merely concerned? Had I let myself go that much? Was she seeing something I wasn’t? I had recently announced, with a strange sense of pride, I might add, that I was no longer going to look at myself in the mirror. In consideration of those around me, maybe I need to reexamine that proclamation. But still, a MuuMuu was not a solution I could embrace.
Or could I?
My friend, being a bit of a fashionista, explained that the MuuMuu was a traditional Hawaiian dress made of colorful fabric meant to be lose fitting and cool. Sounds good so far. She said it was similar to a kaftan, but I shouldn’t confuse the two. Kaftans are more like long robes with wide flowing sleeves that were made popular by the Hollywood stars of the Gilded Age and the glamour of that era. Picture Elizabeth Taylor, Jackie Kennedy, and Princess Grace of Monaco sipping cocktails on a chaise lounge while entertaining royalty. Ok, I’m listening … I like that image better than cows lumbering around in hospital gowns.
However, anything ankle length with wide sleeves sounded problematic. Unlike Princess Grace, gracefulness is not an attribute that I’m known for. I’m sure I would trip or get the sleeve caught in the garbage disposal. I remember hearing about a kitchen fire at Grandma’s house that now seems suspect … she wore kaftans!
So, the kaftan was not an option. At least not one that would solve my laundry dilemma. I needed something that was appropriate for small jobs around the house, relaxing poolside while entertaining, and running to the market without looking like someone who had lost touch with reality. And thanks to my friend’s explanation, the MuuMuu sounded perfect!
And the upside is that no cows will be harmed … hip-hip-hurray … Moo, Moo.
Haha! Yes Granmom wore kaftans! That is so funny🤣😅